Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

The map of Middle East

Indonesia is a country that actively involve in various peace processes around the world as the commitments of its foreign policy which are independent and active and also commitments to the 1945 Constitution to remove any occupation and colonialism over the world and participate in the establishment of the peace of the world. One area of Indonesia’s major conflict concern is Palestine which is still fighting for the independence of its homeland over the ongoing Israeli occupation since 1948.

Indonesia's preoccupation with the Palestinians is not only be the work of government. That role even touch the grass roots of society who often give their hands, both material and non-material, to the Palestinian people. This proves that the people of Indonesia have participated in carrying out the mandate of the 1945 Constitution and to support Indonesia in the Palestinian-Israeli peace process.

Achievement of peace between the two sides involved in the conflict can be realized in various ways; political and non-political. Political way can be reached by developing policies of both countries, diplomacy, and so on. Meanwhile, a non-political, academic fields, for example, can be reached by examining the conflict from a variety of mediums, literature as one of the example, with the hope of generating a thorough understanding of the conflict as a consequence of the assessment done in the several viewpoints.

Literature offers the other side of the conflict that often escape the attention of the general public and policy holders. For example, through the analysis of the poem “Jundiyyun Yahlumu Biz-Zanabiqil-Baida” from the anthology Akhiru al-Lail by Mahmud Darwisy can be concluded that the an Israeli army aspires of peace for Palestine and Israel (Vebriyantie, 2012). Other studies of the poem “Risalatun min al-Manfa” in the anthology Auraqu az-Zaituni by the same poet lead to the conclusion that the life of Palestinians in exile as a dead person who do not have a price at all (Aaisyah, 2014). Thus, the literature also took part in the establishment of world order.

After the completion of the study, the knowledge gained is expected to be applied in and contributed to Indonesia. The expectations from the studies that hopefully can be applied in Indonesia are projected as follows.
1. Generating advantage of the social and political phenomenon in the Middle East through the analysis of literary works to be applied in Indonesia
2. Taking part in the peace process in the Middle East, particularly in the Palestinian-Israeli
3. Acquiring a real understanding of the roots of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict so that it can be wise to react
4. Being a centre of reference in the knowledge of the Middle East with the interdisciplinary field
5. Enriching treasures of science

List of References

Aaisyah. 2014. The Meaning of Poetry  “Risalatun min al-Manfa” in the Anthology Auraqu az-Zaituni by Mahmud Darwisy:Semiotic Analysis. Thesis.

Vebriyantie, Putri. 2012. The Meaning of Poetry “Jundiyyun Yahlumu bi az-Zanabiqi al-Baida`a”in the Anthology Akhiru al-Lail by Mahmud Darwisy: Semiotic Analysis. Thesis.

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